People having a healthy lunch

Image from iStock by BartekSzewczyk

In Buy Better Food, we envision a European Union where public food procurement is used as a lever for positive change, driving the transformation of our food system towards sustainability, health, and equity. In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, we advocate for procurement practices that prioritise healthy, fairly, and sustainably produced food for public canteens like schools, kindergartens, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. In our future, public food is tasty, healthy and nutritious, it supports fair working conditions and decent living for farmers and fosters sustainable farming and fishing practices that work with nature and help fight climate change.


Public food procurement is a powerful tool for transforming food systems, simultaneously addressing food poverty, fostering public health, and supporting small-scale farmers. Through public food procurement, institutions can ensure access to nutritious meals while strengthening local economies. Furthermore, these practices promote animal welfare and mitigate climate change by reducing CO2 emissions and optimising food supply chains. In addition, sustainable food procurement contributes to agricultural biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem resilience.


Better use of public money can help Europe transition to a healthier, more resilient and equitable food system that works for consumers, farmers, and the planet.

Better use of public money can help Europe transition to a healthier, more resilient and equitable food system that works for consumers, farmers, and the planet.

Because of all this, to unleash the transformative power of the public plate, Buy Better Food is committed to a two-fold endeavour:

  • Raise awareness on the key role played by sustainable public food procurement in delivering healthy, fair and sustainable food systems.
  • Advocate at the EU level for better rules for public food procurement that can benefit all, consumers, producers and the environment

If you also believe in the power of the public plate, join our effort by supporting our Manifesto and if you're ready to take action and make a tangible difference, consider joining our campaign. Together, we can amplify the impact of sustainable public food procurement, creating healthier, fairer, and more sustainable food systems for everyone.

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