![EU Parliament](/sites/default/files/styles/mt_header_2000px/public/media/guillaume-perigois-wvqc9dty3vq-unsplashjpg.jpg?itok=v8In54gW)
BBF collaborations
Buy Better Food engages with European coaltions and forums to bring forward its demands and collaborate with like-minded organisations to have stronger voice in the European arena.
EU Food Policy Coalition
The EU Food Policy Coalition brings together NGOs and civil society organisations working towards policy integration and alignment at the EU level to facilitate the transition to sustainable food systems. It includes NGOs from a broad spectrum working on food systems, grassroots social movements, farmers organisations, organisations of fishers, trade unions, think tanks, and scientific and research groups providing space for debating and discussing policies and carry out joint activities
Buy Better Food co-leads the Task Force on Public Procurement, within which it coordinates joint activities and events to raise awareness on the topic and develops common positions to advocate for Sustainable Public Food Procurement in the EU institutions.
European Food Forum
The European Food Forum (EFF) is an independent, politically-led, non-partisan multi-stakeholders forum founded and governed by elected Members of the European Parliament. EFF aims to promote open dialogue on sustainable food systems among policymakers, food supply chain actors, civil society organizations, research and academia, and other public institutions.
Buy Better Food, thorough ICLEI, is part of EFF with whom it collaborates on awarness raising on Public Food Procurement among Members of the European Parliament, and with whom it co-organises events in the EU sphere, such as the "Navigating Polarised Narratives: Understanding Regional Food Systems in the EU" event held durin the European Week of Regions and Cities.
Urban Agenda Partnership for the EU - Food
Launched in 2016 with the Pact of Amsterdam, the Urban Agenda Partnership represents a new multi-level working method for urban policy and practice promoting cooperation between Member States, cities, the European Commission and other stakeholders. It focuses on three pillars: better knowledge, better fundings, and better regulation. The Food Thematic Partnership, launched in 2024, gathers twenty-six relevant stakeholders to build consensus around shared goals and priorities for sustainable food systems and advocate for these at the national and EU level.
Buy Better Food, in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, co-lead the Working Group City-Region Framework, facilitating the Partnership’s efforts in identifying actions for the implementation phase.
Here you can find the Orientation Paper defining the objectives, mandate and resources available in the Partnership.
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